Nudibranchs of the Coral Triangle

Nudibranchs of the Coral Triangle

Best guide to nudibranchs of the Philippines, Indonesia, New Guinea. The only book on the market with an up-to-date taxonomy

Nudibranchs of the Coral Triangle became the only guide to nudibranchs on the market with an up-to-date 2022 taxonomy after its major update (November 2022)

This book is a field guide, an assistant for the identification of nudibranchs species in the region. It is designed for divers, underwater photographers. The book presents 1060+ species nudibranchs that can be found and photographed in depths and regions accessible to recreational diving. Photographs, showing color variations and age differences are included. A lot of species covered by this guide have never before appeared in field guides or popular books.

Compact text blocks provide information about Common name, Latin name, family, geographic distribution, size, and the most distinctive features. An extensive photo index at the beginning of the book helps you to find the right group of nudibranchs, especially for readers who have not yet mastered their names.

Nudibranchs or sea slugs occur throughout the world’s oceans and are present in many marine habitats. The greatest diversity of species is found in the Indo-Pacific tropics with a concentration of species within the Coral Triangle (CT), encompassing the waters of six Southeast Asian countries: Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Malaysia, Timor-Leste and Solomon Islands. This global epicenter of marine biodiversity covers only 1.6 percent of the planet’s oceanic area, but attracts an increasing number of divers and underwater photographers, including nudibranch lovers.

A major update to Nudibranchs of the Coral Triangle book. (2022) It serves to fill a gap in the general public's understanding of nudibranchs in the years since the previous guides were published and a lot of species were described by scientists.

Corrections have affected several dozen species, some of them are quite common. A lot of "sp." were described, some well-known species has their names changed.

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About the Book
Resent taxonomy updates:
Aplustrum amplustrename changed
Chromodoris alcalaidescribed
Chromodoris balatdescribed
Chromodoris dianaemorphology has been corrected
Chromodoris kalawakandescribed
Chromodoris quaggadescribed
Coryphellina auroradescribed
Coryphellina cf. pannaedescribed
Coryphellina flammadescribed
Coryphellina lotosdescribed
Coryphellina pseudolotosdescribed
Goniobranchus fabulusdescribed
Hoplodoris rosansdescribed
Lamproharminoea evelinaedescribed
Micromelo barbaraedescribed
Micromelo guamensisdescribed
Murphydoris adustadescribed
Murphydoris cobbidescribed
Murphydoris puncticulatadescribed
Phestilla goniophagadescribed
Phestilla vieidescribed
Roxaniella pittmaniname changed
Trapania kaheldescribed
Trapania kamagongdescribed
Trapania lemanioidesdescribed
Trapania tamarawdescribed
Trapania tiggerdescribed
Tritoniopsis albamerged with Tritoniopsis elegans
Authors: Andrey Ryanskiy, Yury Ivanov
Series: Critter academy
Tag: nudibranch
Publisher: Andrey Ryanskiy
Publication Year: 2019
Format: Paperback, eBook, iBook, PDF
Length: 151
ISBN: 5604204919

List Price: 35,99 $
eBook Price: 19,99 $
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