A new photo guide “Life on the Reef:Corals, Sea Squirts, Sponges, Bryozoa, Comb Jellies, Marine Plants Indo-Pacific Field Guide” by Andrey Ryanskiy has just been published!
Till May, 31 the special price on eBook, 13,49$, is valid. Link

Corals, jellyfish, sponges, tunicates, and bryozoans form the very essence of a coral reef, representing most of its biodiversity. Their taxonomy has undergone significant changes over the past 15 years.
Despite this, popular and accessible guides to these species have not been published for many decades. Andrey Ryanskiy’s new book in the Reef ID Books series aims to fill this gap.
Together with this volume, the total coverage of the species in the Reef ID Books series of eight books reaches an incredible number of 8500 species!
You can buy this eBook Travel Set at a special price of 99$! Link
Featuring over 1,430 species and 2,100 photographs, this book offers a comprehensive look at the benthic community.
It not only helps scuba divers, underwater photographers, and enthusiasts understand what they see underwater but also provides information and numerous examples of macrolife associated with corals, hydroids, sponges, and tunicates.
The photo guide is also available as a paperback & hardcover on Amazon & eBook oon Apple store